Thursday, January 21, 2010

Paracloud Gem Software: Awesome and Groovy

Few things can be referred to as "awesome" and "groovy" at the same time. Gem Paracloud, a 3D multi-component generator is just such a product. Viewsion spoke with Eyal Nir, founder last week and he took us through a test-drive of the software. The possibilities that Gem produces are endless: from artwork and jewellery (yes, jewellery) to building cladding systems to lattice structures.

Gem exports neatly to SketchUp and other formats such as Maya, 3DSmax, Rhino and any CAD supporting OBJ, STL and DXF. There is a free trial download available

1 comment:

victor hugo said...

hi, the paracloud video tutorial is private , what can i do?