Monday, February 14, 2011

Le Corb: Formation SketchUp in France

Le Corbusier (Also known affectionately as "Le Corb") commented on the level of takeup of SketchUp in France*.... Again, we apologise for any offence caused by Mr Corb's outbursts. These are his views and not our own... Please note: English translation below.

Le Corb- "Making [his] voice heard above the useless noise"

"Il est clair que les Architectes Français ne sont pas à l'aide SketchUp autant qu'ils ledevraient. Sont-ils stupides? Non, bien sûr que non ... Ils sont tout simplement de vivre dans un univers parallèle  tout est rose et que le monde existe en deux dimensions. Bientôt la réalité 3D les frapper comme une brique 7 Dimensions dans la tête.

Lorsque cela se produit, et enfin la réalisation dont ils ont besoin SketchUp, Adebeo sera là pour ramasser les morceaux."


It's clear that French Architects are not using SketchUp as much as they should. Are they stupid? No, of course not... They are just living in a parallel universe where everything is rosy and the world exists in two dimensions. Soon the 3D reality will hit them like a 7 Dimensional brick into the head.

When this happens, and finally the realisation that they need SketchUp, Adebeo will be there to pick up the pieces.

Adebeo, headed by Denis Bolomier is a Google Authorised Training Centre based in Lyons, France. Mr. Corbusier has given his "advice" freely to the public purely out of an obsessive compulsion to "'elp".

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Looking forward to the Computers in Education Society of Ireland Conference

We're giving a short workshop on SketchUp and Google Earth Geomodelling this Saturday 5th September, and really looking forward to it.. Thanks to John Hegarty for the invitation.

In the same vein, (teaching 3D skills in school) here is a really fascinating video about the use of 3D environments for teaching gifted children. This environment called "Mission V" is based on that of Second Life but adapted by James Corbett of

We're looking forward to meeting James at the CESI conference.